
  1. European Commission has been preparing this for years
  2. The European Commission infiltrated by Big Pharma. Big pharma au Parlement Européen – Interview de l’eurodéputée Michèle Rivasi – YouTube
  3. The face of America’s Frontline Doctors lists all the risks of the
    experimental „vaccine“ and calls for mass support of a petition challenging discrimination against „vaccine“ refusers.
  4. Open letter from the UK Medical Freedom Alliance Severe warning about Covid 19 vaccine-related deaths in RVTs
  5. Vaccination deaths: the real story
Berlin October 10th 2020 Historical video „United“ Better Normal, not New Normal – https://www.ACU2020.org – World Doctors Alliance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MWZP4B86rY (CENSORED) You can watch this video here: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/6ZN9XvVdDNpk/ Please share! Impressive compilation of videos from medical experts revealing the Covid fraud Medical and Ethical Emergency Deliberation – ACU 2020Update references
Media question policy PCR test meet oude infecties – deze foutieve cijfers stellen maatregelen van de zogenaamde tweede golf in vraag. Excess mortality during the „second wave“? https://www.tijd.be/dossiers/coronavirus/corona-in-belgie-bijna-3-000-besmettingen-per-dag/10217952 Asymptomatic yet positive testing currently leads to a cascade of measures – isolation and tracking due to „contamination“. Face masks and hypercapnia (CO² accumulation) https://healthfreedomidaho.org/serious-concerns-over-masks-and-carbon-dioxide-levels/ Viral Issue Crucial Update Sept 8th: the Science, Logic and Data Explained! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UvFhIFzaac&feature=youtu.be Sciensano: Association HCQ and mortality https://www.sciensano.be/nl/pershoek/associatie-tussen-hydroxychloroquine-en-mortaliteit-van-covid-19-patienten-die-belgie https://www.sciensano.be/fr/coin-presse/association-entre-hydroxychloroquine-et-mortalite-des-patients-covid-19-hospitalises-en-belgique Associatie lockdown en mortaliteit https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zg89tdgzkqnk2ep/AABmA29bDb8L4U8FmcexYlEUa/1.%20LOCKDOWN%20ADDED%20LITTLE%20OR%20NOTHING%20Woods%20Hole%20Analysis.pdf?dl=0
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