- European Commission has been preparing this for years
- The European Commission infiltrated by Big Pharma. Big pharma au Parlement Européen — Interview de l’eurodéputée Michèle Rivasi — YouTube
The face of America’s Frontline Doctors lists all the risks of theexperimental «vaccine» and calls for mass support of a petition challenging discrimination against «vaccine» refusers.
- Open letter from the UK Medical Freedom Alliance Severe warning about Covid 19 vaccine-related deaths in RVTs
- Vaccination deaths: the real story
Media question policy
PCR test meet oude infecties – deze foutieve cijfers stellen maatregelen van de zogenaamde tweede golf in vraag.
- Was er deze zomer wel een tweede golf ? Analyse van positieve testen legt een verbijsterend patroon bloot
- Positief getest en toch niet besmettelijk
- COVID19- PCR testing is Scientifically Meaningless
- PCR positives: what do they mean? — CEBM
- Jaap Van Dissel of the RIVM (Dutch Institute for Public Health and the Environment) explains the relationship between PCR testing and infectivity. Indeed, if the PCR test measures small pieces of virus debris and amplifies them in cycles, this does not necessarily implicate that someone who tests positive also carries a live virus, that they are infected or can develop an infection. This should be linked to clinical symptoms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROF5UNdfq8k
- PCR review article